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hung up coyotes

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:35 pm
by kmg
Last evening i setup in a really good location on the corner of a timber looking across field at other pieces of timber. wind was in my favor and calm. i had a yote challenge me here a few days ago, so i started out with challenges. i had a pair about 500 yards away barking and challenge howling, they sounded pretty mad. i repeated thier sounds, which were lots of short barks and a short howl every so often. this went on for about 20 mins. when it got dark, a group of 2-3 younsters howled about 400 yards in the other direction and i heard several other groups farther away. the pair kept barking every time i would challenge them they just seemed to get madder and more intense. finally i had to sneak out because of low light. they were still barking when i got back to the truck. i tried ki yi, female invitation, but nothing seems to bring them in. coyotes in this area i think are a little shy to rabbit distress. ive got a female whimper randy anderson call but i cant get it to sould the way it should. any ideas on what will bring them in? i thought for sure they would come they sounded so pissed

Re: hung up coyotes

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:40 pm
by lyonch
Get in closer to their comfort zone.

Re: hung up coyotes

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:43 pm
by kmg
that was my first thought but theres a property line that i prolly shouldnt cross.

Re: hung up coyotes

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:51 pm
by lyonch
that property line could possibly be their boundary line that they wont cross. I would get right on that line and give it another shot.

Re: hung up coyotes

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:45 pm
by Coyotehunter
there is a whole thread for guys who are new to coyote hunting, bunch of great info in there. Have you taken time to read through some of that material?

Re: hung up coyotes

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:58 pm
by leadbiscuit
I don't like to post advice on calling because there are guys around here who know far more about it than I do. Having said that, I like to stop calling well before shooting light is gone. I've seen alpha dogs wait until well after the racket has died down before coming in to investigate. Last fall I had a BIG male take 45 min. to come less than a 1/4 mile through thick crp. That's 45 minutes from when I saw him and stopped calling till when he left cover to try to circle around me. Bastard sat in the crp and growled at me for a long time before he stepped out. You might say he was a bit paranoid.