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How It Went Down.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:36 pm
by mitchkvernum
I love hearing guys tell about how their days go in tournaments, especially on those days when it all goes right.. I thought I would give the play by play from the Dickinson Hunt and if anyone else wants to jump in go right ahead.. I dont have any pictures but maybe ill throw a few in at the end from this season. I know things are winding down but I thought this could be kind of fun. Also maybe talk a little about how we hunt different in tournmants than we would on any other day..

The first day of the Dickinson Hunt was calling for low wind and mild temps. Oyloe and I both knew we would need 6+ dogs to be in contention. It is funny the area we always plan to hunt in that tournament was not going to be accessible so our cofindence was down a tad. still we had a good area to hunt we just didnt know how well things would go. We got checked in that night and made the longg haul back to where we would be hunting. We had scouted a ton and we basically had our stands mapped out we would hit. The plan was to run and gun hard and hit as many stands as we could, we decided we would split up on every stand and see how that went.

Morning came and we were off. We planned on calling right behind a ranchers house, he had a ton of cows back there and surely it would have coyotes. Marty actually called this same stand 2 weeks prior and shot a double. We were bummed about that because we didnt even think we would be hunting this area in the tournament. Anyways I told marty to go in amongst the cows and I would go across the road and call a thick draw that had nice cover, I really figured I would get a coyote I had killed at this same set 2 other times. I got into position and it was just getting light. I always wait for good shooting light because ive been burned calling too early and having one slip in on me. Anways just as I got into my calls I hear marty start a gunning across the road! bam, bam, bam! oh goodness he either missed a chipper or is stacking fur. I still had confidence and I called for 15 minutes and never did see a coyote, wow. I haul ass back to the road, Marty is still down at his stand so I walk straight across the road and hike up a small ridge. I get too the top and theres not a whole lot to call but there is no sense in sitting at the road waiting. I hit my call and it was 2 minutes I look down and a male coyote is bouncing straight up the draw at me. I flop on my belly and dump him running at me. Bonus dog im thinking, because this stand is not all that great. I ki-yi LOUD and Glance to my right and here is a hard charger! My heart jumps into my throat. im barking but I just cannot stop him.. Finally he winds me and he is leaving, experience tells me by his body language he will stop. at about 150 he does and I have a double and im Pumped. Just as I get up I hear Martys engine roaring down the gravel, I sprint too the top of the ridge and yell for two blocks and to come help drag.. I grab my dogs and meet Marty half way too the truck, he says he has one in the pickup and wounded another running. However he couldnt find it so that means 3 in the pickup and its real early, Its a good start.

We fly up the road, just about 2 miles. Im going to call a set we killed a triple at the year previous while Marty goes back down the road and calls a wide open wheat field with thick cover rolling off the backside.. This stand im on is just awesome. it is a huge drainage that filters off the backside of a cattle ranch. Coyotes definately use it too get back to bedding and its early. I would think they should be on their way. I called for 25 minutes and never saw a dog. Marty picks me up and neither did he.. Okay forget it down the road another mile into some private land we got permission to hunt.. Once again I go into a set I called a double at early season. I was calling into some thick breaks from the bottom, in a stubble field. Marty went down the road about 1 mile to call a new spot we had never tried. I actually dropped him off at it and took the truck to my stand. I had to cross a small creek in the truck and felt myself sinking a little and panicked! I slammed the gas and luckily pulled through.. Quickly I grabbed my rifle and proceeded to falling ass end over a fence and smashing my gun into the ground. sweet deal! I was running behind so I jogged too my hide and began calling. at minutes 18 a pair comes out of the cover but man I couldnt bring them in. I was pretty disgusted as this was supposed to be a gimme stand. Back to the truck I go and down the road Martys already waiting for me. Of course he called a double and he has a coyote in hand.. Perfect we have 4 and lots more turf to cover..

We both end up calling a dry stand and bomb up to our next ranch that we have done some serious coyote killing at. Marty goes too the "honey hole" while I go into a newer spot that is just awsome, although ive called it before with no luck! We spotted coyotes, and saw tracks at this exact spot scouting the day before. In I go and wayy back into the valley I walk. up on a high ridge I could see everything. I had called for 15 minutes and im thinking you have got to be kidding me just when I spot a freakin godzilla coyotes hauling down a cattle trail right up to me. Man I couldnt get him to stop so I finally just roll him in the run.. SWEET! I hurry down as pick him up.. I get back to the trail and no Marty so I go across the trail and call another stupid spot, nothing. Marty returns and surprisingly didnt see a dog but now we have 5 and a couple more stands to hit before we have to haul back.. We are driving down the road and we are going over our plans. Marty tells me he will take me to a stand Ive killed multiple doubles at and he will come back and try another new spot that could be hit or miss.. He drops me off and In I go. I was up on some high ground calling into two THICK canyons that meet up right in my face.. I put my electro call on a fence about 75 yards downwind.. Distress, howls, ki-yis, and everything else I played. I could see the road from my hide and I decided I would call tell I saw Marty coming, then I would spring back too the road.. Well at minute 23 I have a female come out of the draw. She is just standing there watching the call. Im pretty sure I fist pumped even before I pulled the trigger and I have #6. Back to the road I go and like usual, I go across as Marty is still not back. Well I called for another 25 minutes and Martys still gone. hmmmmmmmm...... FINALLY he shows back up. I glance in the back and there is his double! Pretty sure I was doin some fist pumpin and hollering cause now we have #8 dogs and time for a couple quick sets.. Next stand I bring one into range and somehow miss. I was just disgusted. I go pick marty up and he tells me he had one coming but a work truck drove down the trail and spooked the coyote :twisted: . ugh. Well by that time were hauling back to checkin with 8. End up in a 3 way tie for 1st and we arent even sure where we are going to hunt the next day......

We leave the check-in and decide on a pretty rediculous plan. drive 3.5 hours and call an area we have freakin pummeled this season. I mean we have killed between 100-120 coyotes out of this area and I know it could be real tough. The good news is we have two KILLER spots we havent even touched because the rancher was deer hunting them all year and wouldnt let us in tell now.. We get to our area and get a few hours of sleep. We head to the first set and pull in an approach to wait for light.. Marty glances out his window and theres 3 sets of tracks going onto the opposite side of the road. plans change and im tracking these dogs in, in the darrk. Marty runs up the road to try a spot we have had decent luck at in this past. I tracked these 3 dirty suckers right into a slew bottom with some nasty thick cover and im thinking MONEY. Light creeps up and Im on my calls. Somehow, someway, I didnt see a dog! Back too the road and marty is waiting, he didnt see crap.. oh well we have a freakin honey hole we have killed doubles and triples at for years and we havent hit it yet.. once again....... nothing.. im scratching my head as we were banking on these spots.. Were questioning ourselves and I decide ill go call a stand ive killed 2 doubles at already this season.. in I go and I bump a dog. :oops: . I top the ridge and bump another :oops: :oops: :oops: . Im cussing and pouting but down I sit and start calling.. 10 minutes in I look dircetly behind me and theres a freakin coyote coming in from where I walk in. across a massive pond... he is going to wind me so I take no chances and drop him at 3 hundo.. I scoop him up and get back too the truck, Marty didnt see any. We load up and JUST as we are about to leave I look out and theres a freakin coyote standing on the hill I just called from :lol: . Back in I go and im soon on his tracks. I follow him over a hill and he is standing 50 yards below me and doesnt see me.... I flop down and he spots me but he is pretty chill about it. at 150 he stops and I slam him..

Im back with #2 and we have some work too do.. We put about 25 miles on to hit yet another spot we killed a double at this season. It is wayyy back in the booneys, overlooking a creek with tons of thick cover.. We call together on this set and setup100 yards apart on the ridge.. Martys on the call and instantly 4 dogs poke out of the cover.. They have heard it before and three of them are off! I glance to me left and see another two just sitting on their asses. :( Well this one coyote was slightly interested and marty was able to coax him into range 3# and another 25 miles later we are on stand where we killed a triple at two weeks earlier.. Its a valley with cows in it. its basically coyote heaven, but today NOTHING. Just as were about to leave I spot a bedded dog across the valley at 420 yards... I send it and smoke him low.. let me tell you marty is the best tracker ive seen 100 yards later through the trhickest cover you will find we have #4 and we are hauling balls back towards check in! We are contemplating a stand we killed another triple at on the way back when we spot a lone dog working a field off the road. Quickly we zone in on him and make a plan. We follow a low drainage up get within 300 of the coyote. We just did a little mouse squeaking and he is bounding in! I didntt hesitate and smoked him as soon as he stopped. thats #5 and we hauled too checkin!.. Luckily we checked in way early and were able too squeak it out...

its fun when it works, but altogether we take it WAY too serious and get WAY too stresssed out

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:10 pm
by lyonch
That was a great read mitch!! Thanks for sharing your day of tournament calling :D I know exactly what you mean by the stresses of a tournament!

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:51 pm
by cb186
Thanks for posting Mitch. It's been a long time, figured you got annoyed with some people around here. Always love reading about your hunts.

Some day, I wanna grow up and be like Mitch! lol.

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:44 pm
by LeviM
Very good read Mitch. Thanks

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:59 pm
by jaybic
Cool hunt! Congrats. I like reading them too

take it easy fellas

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:34 am
by Prairie Ghost
Thanks mitch you guys certainly have the tounment thing down!!!

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:22 pm
by Dcoy
Very cool,very interesting.Shows how much I know about Tourney hunting.I never could figure how guys could shoot 6+ coyotes a day travelling 3.5 hours each way-now I see you can travel that time/distance at night after checking in cutting my time calculations in half.Neat.
Also sounds like some VERY good shooting going on,that tweaks me. :D Congrats!

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:23 pm
by bucksnbears
great write up Mitch. you guys had 1 hell of a year :wink:

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:32 am
by NickNielsen
Nice write up Mitch. I understand how the stress goes, competition is fun though. Every year toward the end I seem to say i'm done tournament hunting but come early spring i'm planning on how to get better for next year. I guess that competitive drive gets the best of many. Great year for you guys, hard work pays off.

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:11 pm
by daniel brothers
that was a very enjoyable read... got anymore stories...?

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:20 pm
by mitchkvernum
thanks guys

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:48 am
by Coyotehunter
Great post.

Re: How It Went Down.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:42 pm
by ohiohunter
Great post congrats