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Last one of the season.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:19 pm
by Jerry Hunsley
?This is the last coyote for me this season. Just had this one today. It was a little rubbed , but not bad. It's time to pull everything. My cat sets are still out and will be pulled shortly. Saw fresh cat sign in the snow this morning and put two more cubby sets in that location. Pictures later maybe.



Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:07 pm
by Prairie Ghost
Nice work! Was it a pretty good coyote season for you this year Jerry?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 2:41 pm
by Jerry Hunsley
Brad, it was a pretty good. I'm not a serious trapper, just somthing to do. I caught 14 or 15 the first week and then it dwindled down. I mainly concentrated on cats in Jan. We don't have the numbers you do,but I had fun. It gives me somthing to do besides calling. My second love is golf. Next week I go to San Diego with a bunch of guys. We stay five days and do nothing but golf and have a good time. Really looking forward to it. There are 16 of us that go. Some are from Arizona and other places. They all used to live in Pierre at one time. We have all kinds of different games and teams lined up, so we get to play with everyone in the group.
Where I am trapping , I set all the low spots that were easy to get to. The last time out though I put a bunch of snares and extensions in a bucket and headed for the higher country. It was snowing really heavy and I felt like a mountain man , but I enjoyed it. Found some pretty good looking spots up there and will see tomorrow if any connected. Maybe I will have somemore pictures. Later.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:59 pm
by Prairie Ghost
I certainly hear what you're saying Jerry i played competetion golf very seriously for five year including playing high school and College golf at the University of North Dakota. It's a great sport and very addicting :shock: . I hope the trip goes well and make sure that you follow through with the putter!!!!! :D Just like the shotgun and rifle at running coyotes!!!!