2nd place:
Marty Oyle and Luke Oyle (aka Lucos on the site)
Checked in 2 coyotes (saw 9) with a check in time of 7:29pm and also won Small dog with a weight of 23.35lbs.

Hey guys,
I have some sad news to share as we have lost a great kid, and a heck of a good outdoorsman, and coyote hunter. Luke was killed in a tragic car accident on april 6th near williston.
Some of you may remeber Luke Oyloe also know as "lukeos" from the sight here. Luke was a great kid and loved calling coyotes and being outside in the outdoors with his dad and friends.
Luke and his dad marty participated in the minot predator hunt this past october and placed 2nd! You may have seen that post already but if you havent here is luke with there 2 coyotes which won them 2nd place in the tournament
Luke really enjoyed the tournament and was planning on participating in the coming october.
I know luke may have been in contact with some of you.. and he really enjoyed the tournament you put on.
Its going to be a real challenge without luke around, he always had a big smile on his face and was always there ready to go! whenever we decided we wanted to go after some coyotes. He was a great kid.
Luke is going to be missed, but definately never forgotten.. He was a great hunter, and even a better friend.
Love ya bud.