After dinner drove to Dean’s to skin and sew up coyote hides. First one tackled was the one with the notched ear. The bullet entered the body at about a 45 degree angle at a front quartering shot. Entered to far back at the angle to take out lungs or heart hit the off side 2nd rib came apart and tore up the insides. Body cavity was full of blood, didn’t investigate deeper to see where it came from. I would never use those TnT bullets my self. A Serra HPBT would have exploded before it hit a rib and took out the lungs. I have seen my share of hits from them over the years.
Before we were finished John and Mike stopped by so Dean and Mike retired to talk insurance while John dove in to help finish skinning and start sewing. Wasn’t long and Mike & Dean came back so the sewing was finished PDQ. We retired to Dean’s office for coffee Dawn had brought out soon after I arrived. We sat and talked about a hour before John and Mike left then it was off to start stretching, and of Course run the remains back to the bury pit.
