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i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:54 pm
by bucksnbears
:D . had some business outta town this morning so (of course) i had to bring a rifle.. you know :) back roads and such. :wink: went north of town where i've killed 4 coyotes in the past couple weeks knowing there was 1 more that i hav'nt got. well there was 3 in the dead center of a 2x1 mile section but since it was early morning they were still up and about. decided to leave them alone and come back later hoping the'de be bedded. came back about noon and all 3 were bedded down. since my dad only lives a couple miles away, i called him to see if he wanted to watch. yep. so i went to get him and went back and told him i was going to sneak down a drainage ditch to try to get into range. i also told him to go a mile north and park and if my sneak would'nt work to stop in a certain spot and honk the horn and slam the doors. he must have got a bit anxios because i was just about in position when i herd the horn go off. i peeked up over the ditch bank and here they came..right at me. :D . i took the first one at about 175 and the others turned and ran, i fished out my call and ky-eyed and 1 stopped at WAY out there. since it was snowing and kinda foggy, i did not know how far but i guessed 400 and held the xhairs about a foot over and nailed him :D . thats 6 coyotes in the same section. guessing its a family group that hav'nt dispersed yet.. 5 outta the 6 have got real distinct white throat patches. i had dad take pics but did not know there was'nt a card in the camera so they are on internal memeory. don't know how to retrieve them :? :? dad was pretty pumped as he's only seen a couple live coyotes in his life.10 years ago, this area was fox central :( now they are extinct. when i was a kid i used to walk that ditch with a shotgun and killed a pile of them.. i'm afraid those days are gone :(

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:55 am
by Dcoy
Heck,no sense of me coming up if they are all dead. :( Oh I suppose I could always shoot one of your deer. :D Sad about the fox.Like I said yesterday when we chatted, on the way back from my eye deal nine days ago I had the boss detour through a lot of my old 'fox country'in western Mn.Probably 30 miles,20 drainage ditches,many former hot spots,day after a fresh snow=not one fox track.I had thought they were coming back but that was very discouraging.
One more day and if my eye doesn't fall out,I'm off and running again.On the sly I've been cheating a bit and shooting a few rifles to verify zeros,check loads etc.I'm ready.
Good hunting!

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:11 am
by coyotebuster
Nice job on the coyotes Bucs. As far as fox, I was seeing few around earlier this fall but I think they're willingness to hunt alongside blacktop roads and car watch doesn't help the population much. Had one pup earlier this year sitting on the end of the driveway staring up towards our house and pacing up and down the road, I'm guessing that one and others like that get taken out of the gene pool pretty quick by road hunters out deer hunting.

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:46 am
by bucksnbears
i hear ya on the fox!! some are not real smart. i had to run to walmart a bit ago and since its only 3 miles from where i shot them 2 coyotes yesterday and 1 got away i figgered might as well throw in the 22-250. yep, he's in the back of my blazer now sleeping soundly :mrgreen: :D

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:05 pm
by lyonch
So out of the now 6, how many were yoy and how many adults? Pics? I need to see that ugly mug holding a napping coyote again :lol: :lol: its only been a week :mrgreen:

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:23 pm
by bucksnbears
Image Image. you'll see my ugly mugg in 3 weeks :mrgreen: 6 have been YOY and 1 adult male i think. these last 3 were yoy

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:56 pm
by lyonch
That one dog is actually pretty nice for MN. If it is a MN dog :? Thats pretty interesting that 5 were YOY and 1 was a large male. I wonder where mama is, or why didn't the male just up and leave to look for new grounds and leave the YOY on ther own? Makes for an interesting conversation :wink:

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:04 pm
by bucksnbears
the male i shot about 2 weeks ago. these were only 3 miles from the sugar beet lagoons in north moorhead :mrgreen: .i'll be looking for mamma soon :D i think i found out why there hanging in this section. someone threw a bunch of deer parts in the ditch. :D actually all 3 are pretty nice. lots of burdock on them though.

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:18 am
by Prairie Ghost
good work BNB sounds like you're keeping them thinned down

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:36 pm
by Coyotehunter
I do not know were there are any good numbers for fox anymore.....I got around 30 per year the first 2 years out in Wyoming. This past 12 months I have taken maybe 3-4 and that is all I have seen.

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:31 pm
by bucksnbears
left early this am for a quick tour before i started working on a garage i'm building 15 miles north of town. was just getting shooting light and i was talking to Dcoy on the phone while driving. seen a coyote going across a section heading to an abandon tree grove. when it was close to the grove, i drove up but it seen me comming and headed back the way it came from.i knew it was gonna head for the refuge which is a mile 1/2 away so i got over there and sure nuff, it crosses the road in front of me doing mach 8. i bailed out, slipped on the road, dropped my rifle, got the bipod down a drilled it right betwwen the lips. not the ones on its face either :mrgreen: at about 250 straight away :D . could'nt tell if it was a male or female as the bullet took out everything where things should be :shock: . was'nt till later when i looked more closly when i seen where the bullet went right up the.......... for a mn coyote its a beaut.tahn i was about 1 mile from my job talking to Lyonch on the phone when i seen a fox bedded next to a cottonwood tree. i thought someone had set the fox there as it was only about 70-80 off the road. i told Lyonch to "hold the line" as i got my rifle out. while looking at it through the scope i could see 1 hind leg streached out and it lokked odd but just to make sure, i barked and its head came up :D the bullet hit it right behind the head :mrgreen: big male with a great hide. we need to talk more often on the phone guys.. your good luck :D went to work and was shingling and my nailgun fell off the roof and broke a spring in the trigger. so........... :D . figgered i might as well go out and see if i can kill something else. seen a fox sleeping way out. snuck up to about 60 yards. light out. a small rubbed male.went a few miles and see 2 fox out at the 3/4 mile mark. stopped and was watching them through the spotting scope and in the same field of veiw anoyher 1/2 past them was a coyote in a stubble corn field. . i decided i wanted the coyote first so i drove to a grove of trees to park and strapped on the snowshoes. was an easy sneak but long (about 1.25 miles) but worth it :mrgreen: a small male but another nice one. about a 200-225 yard standing broadside i called Lyonch as i was retrieving it to rub it in :mrgreen: and on the way back dragging the coyote, Dcoy calls.. never woulda thought a cell phone would bring such luck.......
and then there was a time i was heading to bear camp talking to Tbush. :D ... oh well, i miss sometimes :wink:

Re: i LOVE working ouuta town

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:54 pm
by Tbush always see stuff driven around, nice to see you hit them. I did see 8 diff fox today with-in 6 miles of my house only trying to shoot the males, next year will be great fox year :D :D IF I go out hunting/fishing tommorrow and don't have much luck ...I'll call ya :wink: :lol: :lol: Oh ya nice job :D