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Iowa to Possibly Legalize Suppressors

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:57 pm
by cornbeagledown
Iowa has some legislation going through right now that could finally, possibly legalize suppressors. If it goes through I will be filling out the paperwork and getting my hands on one. I've always thought they would be great for prairie dogs, coyotes, feral hogs and hopefully ear protection. My question is where is a good place to start looking for the right suppressor and does anybody have any good advice based on personal experiences?

Re: Iowa to Possibly Legalize Suppressors

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:49 pm
by Coyotehunter
I really do not know enough about them. Wyoming legalized them for hunting and at some point I want to get one but I just have other things I need to spend money on right now. there are some great videos on Youtube that cover the subject, anywhere from high end units to cheap homemade maglight suppressors.