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Bambi Horns

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:38 pm
by lyonch
Today i was driving out to my parents and caught this little guy mousing in a meadow at 12:00 noon. I walked about 30 yards off of the road down a tree line with the same clothes in the picture and lip squeaked him from 300 yards out to about 125 when i just stood up and took a freehanded shot and it was a bang flop. When i got home my parents thought it was fox it was so small i would say she weighed 15 lbs tops. The fur just isn't quite there yet. The underfur part was not full yet abd it needed to fill in some more behind the head. The guard hairs are nice and long though. I say give them a 3 weeks to a month and they will be ready for stretchers.

Re: Bambi Horns

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:08 pm
by Dcoy
Good work Chris!
I'm close to starting myself.Saw a car killed one right by town today.Thats fairly rare and a neighbor called complaining about a 'pack'behind his buildings in mid day.Young ones feeling their oats I suppose.

Re: Bambi Horns

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:51 am
by Coyotehunter